My Profile


Last login: 15 years ago
Skinner since: 17 years ago
Country/Area: angeles city
Gender: Female
Age: 40

Anonymous Identity

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Relation: Single
Mobile Model: n6680
Mobile Operator: globe
Occupation: admitting clerk
Companies: mercedes medical center
Schools: haU
I Like: to eat
I Hate: plastic, wanna be, 39, s and BITCHES
Favorite Music: rnb, trance
Favorite Movies: many to mention
Favorite Books: tuesdays with morrie
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tet: Don't reGret doin' thinGS.. rEGRET being cAught.. =) hehe

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About Me

"Matet", dAts wat my frEnds caLL me..
I'm makulit.. makulit.. makulit.., lakwatsera, friendly, "PASAWAY" daw( dat was b4, gudgirl nko now.. hihi),
easy to get along..
if you treated me nice, cgrado magka2sundo tyo but if you messed up with me? oh grabeh.. "LAGOT KA SA'KIN"..lolz!!
Ayoko sa mga ma-feeling and pipol hu just go wd the flow and can't make decision on their own.. tSk.. tsK..

i'm an outgoing person, i love gimik/nytlyf very much..
i'm interested in collecting pig stuffs and garfield too.. they're so cUte..

i've got a lot of friends too.. and most of them keep telling dey like hanging out with me..
maybe bec...
anytime, anywhere i'm always on the go.. hahaha.. (walang kapaguran sa paglakwatsa)


i know we can't please everybody..
And hirs i can say:
"this is the real me.. i don't need to pretend just to please anybody"..


i "HATE" people who are:
- plastic
- judgmentaL
- chismosa
- users
- Liar
- unfaithfuL

i do drink
i come home late
i have my own life
i curse
i fight
nobody can change me,, but
i know somehow
there's one good thing about me
i don't flirt
i love deepLY"....

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