Fav Anime: Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Hunter X Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Get Backers, Whistle!, etc ^^
Fav Games: Final Fantasy (2, 7,8, 9, X, X-2, XII, XIII), Kingdom Hearts (I, II, Chains of Memories, n Reverse Rebirth), Tekken(3, 4, 5, 6, Dark of Ressurection), Valkyrie Profile, Bloody Roar (2, 4), Devil May cry series, Musashi Samurai Legend, Shadow Hearts (From the New World), Tales of The Abyss, Tales of Eternia, Ar Tonelico, Atelier Iris, Dawn of Mana, Mana Khemia, Lineage (1, 2), Seal online, RF online, etc ^^
Most fav Anime: Inuyasha n Yu-Gi-Oh!
Most fav games: Final Fantasy n Kingdom Hearts, Valkyrie Profile 2, Tekken series, Devil May Cry series, Ar Tonelico, Atelier Iris 3, Mana Khemia, Tales of The Abyss
Most fav film: Passion of The Christ, Pirates of The Carabian, Harry Potter, n The Lord of The Rings