i CAnT sLeeP wiThoUt a "HUG"
i talk FAST.. ;D
iM cLumsy
&& i BLUSH easily..
i eat When im BORED..
i Sleep when Im HungRy.. actUAlly i can SlEEp eAsiLy whEn i im So bOriNG!
i alWAys gOt a LoLliPop in mY BAg..
i doNt Use a WAllet..
i Just puT mY monEy at mY POckEt oR BAg..
i aM FriEndly.. yes! i am! so plEAse bE niCe wiTh me..
iM a GirL whO loVes sO maNy pEoplE,
I always act with my childish mind and make my own statement.
I wanted to be respected, not been thrown away...