If I have learned anything everyday, it is that people need another, the presence is important caring people, helpful people, interesting people, friendly people and thoughtful people.
These folks take the grind out of life.. About the time we are tempted to think we can handle things all alone-boom! We run into some obstacle and need assistance.
"I accept you as you are" "I believe you are valuable" "I care when you are hurt"
"I desire only what is best for you" "I erase all offenses."
There is nothing shallow about authentic love. Nor it is magic wand we whip out and wave over a problem with whoosh, hoping all the pain will go away
Real love has staying power. It is tough. It refuses to look for ways to run away. It always opt for working through I doesn't cop out because the sea gets stormy and rough While the world around gives the opposite counsel LOVE STANDS FIRM..
God's voice is everywhere, we almost have to be closing our eyes and stopping our ears to miss it..
He sometimes shouts through our pain, whispers to us while we're relaxing on vacation, occassionaly God sings to us in a song,
In addition to His unfailing source of wisdom from good friends, acquaintances , and parents who have earned your love and respect through long years..
May you hear God's call everytime .....even in silence GOD BLESS YOU EVERYDAY!
"hear, and forget.. see, and remember... do,and understand..."
Never give up the right to be wrong, because then we will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with our lives. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.