ohhhh... fuck me then, i guess i aint got no chance to finish my quest lol..damn i really wish i could've finish the quest...i was really wanted to couenquer u but now i guess i aint got no chance ..or do i ?
ahaha hell!! Ima in English girl, i cOuld give a lessOn in English,, but wen i want tu speak Other language i can smilpy do it anD no one can stOp me darling ;p
wateva!! i'm fed up ..i think at the end i'll be fuckin quite anD dO nOthin ... well, seems yOu fOllow yOu wOrds mOre thn yOur heart or feelings i can't beilve tht yOur dOin this ...yOu want tu kill me fOr gOd sake!!
pfffffff wtf!!! it's nOt funny!! anD why do yOu lOve it, yOu're killing me silently arrrgggg!! anD since yOu knOw tht i can't do anything why do yOu fuckin toturing meh ..StOppppppppp itttttt ... anD yOu said yOu wOn't talk tu me, are yOu really gOin tu do tht, i mean yOu can't stOp talkin tu me, Im yOur gf, yOu lOveee me as well