Memory is made everyday Because the time, because the nature Because the trauma, because the secret Because the plan, because the fear... ">" border="0"/> Because the happiness, because the irony Because the importance, because it is funny Because the promise, because the faith... ">" border="0"/> Memory is remembered Whether daily, whether eventful Whether beautiful, whether sad Whether planned, whether accidental... ">" border="0"/> Memory is forgotten For the shame of dignity, for the hunger of power In white lies, in written history By erasing some fact, by adding impact... ">" border="0"/> Memory is manipulated By the flash of look, by the said word By the thing, by the thought By the shocking impact, by unconscious dream... ">" border="0"/> Memory is made everyday Because of you. Memory is triggered again.....
~♥ When nails grow long we cut the nails, not our fingers. ¤° Similarly when misunderstandin gs grow up, ¤° cut your ego not your relations..♥ _ ♥ :/ :'( ♥~