Winning Horse does not Know Why it runs in Race. It Runs because of Beats & Pains. Life is Race; God is Ur Rider. So, if you are in Pain, Think that GOD wants you to win!! "have a lovely day!" tc...
‘hEaRtBeAtS ArE ThE BiGgEsT HyPoCrItEs iN ThE WoRlD, tHeY BeAt iN YoUr bOdY BuT, aLwAyS DaNcE To tHe tUnE Of sOmEoNe eLsE...' StRaNg bUt tRuE...WiShInG LoVeLy nIgHt... i kicked him and running here save me plz..
No i said nw we'l clbrt..aftr 3yrs i'l pay da bill @maruf if it is mad party doctor nt allwd so be away but pearl if it is a ghost prty then maruf is a chief guest