A bOnD oF lOvE... A mEdAl oF tRuSt... A sHoUldEr iN saDnEsS... A hAnD iN dArKnEsS... A spEciAl rElAtiOn tO hOlD... An eAr wHerE sEcrEts cAn bE tOlD... An aPprEciAtOr foR eNcOuRagEmeNt... SOmEthiNg thAt dOeSn’t cOsT... A jEwEl nEvEr tO bE loST... Is thE mAgiC cAllEd... ''F R I E N D'' oh... I aM sO LucKy tHAt yOu ArE My friEnD... pEacEtL niGhT aNd cHeErfuL dReAmS...
LoVeLy WiShEs TO a LoVeLy pErSoN FrOm a LoVeLy pErSoN FOR a LoVeLy rEaSoN aT a LoVeLy TimE iN a LoVeLy mOoD iN a LovEly StylE TO sAy 'HAVE A PEACEFUL NIGHT> WitH SiLeNt sMilE sWeEt">http://www.desismileys.com/smileys/desismileys_2302.gif" border="0"/>sWeEt dReAm's
hI fRieNd hApPy tO seE yUu'GOD iS aLwAyS plAyiNg chEsS witH uS. HE mAkEs mOvEs iN oUr LIFE & thEn sitS bAcK tO sEe hOw wE rEaCt to thE CHALLENGES. So mAkE thE bESt mOvEs aLwAyS!!HavE a WoNdErfuL dAy....
“Find guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep…. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are sweats, who hold your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you’re just pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you…. The one who turns to his friends and says that’s her.”
">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9156/9156.jpg" border="0"/> Is aNyboDy oUt tHerE? It fEelS likE.. I’m tAlkiN tO mYsElf.. No onE sEemS tO kNoW.. mY strAgglE.. ANd EvEryThiNg I cOmE fRoM.. CaN aNybOdy hEaR mE? Is thErE aNyonE oUt thErE.. wHo fEEls thE wAy I feeL.. ThAt thErE iS thEn LEt mE iN aNd LEt mE kNoW I’m... nOt thE oNly onE...' miSSing yOu lAyiNg oN mY bEd.. Yes..miSSing yOu..mY dEaR frienD.. ">http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9134/9134.jpg" border="0"/> sWeEt niGhT tO yOu
'A fRiEnD likE yOu iS hArD tO cOmE bY... yOu’rE sO dEaR aS yOu’rE alwAyS thErE fOr mE tO sAy hi! I tHaNk yOu, aS yOu mAdE yOu'R fUll hEaRt oPeN... aNd I pRaY tHaT oUr fRiEndShiP nEvEr bE bRokEn... TwO cOrdS, tHeY sAy, arE bEttEr tHaN oNe.. yOu aNd I, aNd mE aNd yOu, aNd iT iS dOnE! I aM tHaNkfuL aNd hApPy tHaT yOu aRe mY fRiEnD...">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/whats-up/whats-up07.jpg" border="0"/> lOoK i'm 71 bUt sTilL mUsCulAr aAd cOoLyOu">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/hearts/hearts96.gif" border="0"/>yOu likE mY hEarT wHaT.. nO..iF i hAvE sHoCkS..tHeN">http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/rose/rose09.gif" border="0"/> A bEauTifuL Bulb fOr yOu">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal6.gif" border="0"/> 5 sTaR hOtElI">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny1/funnyanimal2.gif" border="0"/>I hAvE tO slEeP i'M gOiNg 4 yOu gOoD MoRniNggEt">http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley38.gif" border="0"/>gEt sEt rEaDy...hArD dAy wAitS