Verry sorry for l8. I'm fine. How r u?
People who change after change, will survive; People who change with the change, will succeed; People who cause the change, will lead... Good Morning My Dear Friend & Have A Nice Day Ahead!!!
A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace. And makes the whole world we live in A better and happier place. Thanks for being my Friend!!!
The four blessed looks:- Look back & thank God. Look forward & trust God. Look around & serve God. Look within & find God. Good Morning My Dear Friend & Have a Blessed Day Ahead!!!
Nice name. Whts ur occupation?
I'm fine too. Whts ur good name?
tnx i will.. cya later! ^^
ur welcome ariela
nice to meet you too! Have a nice day
k'lo gasibunya sih tau! _( ^ _ ^ )_
sory ea q engga bisa ngobrol banyak di guesbook..kalo mau di masage ja thanx...
oh gitu..sekarang gy sibuk apa???
oh gitu..kalo pasir limus deket engga??oh gitu..didaerah mana jkt??ko istirahat napa???
q jakarta...u??? Study or work non???
k'lo dari kircon k baleendah,kira2_ 30 pe 50 menitan, emang kirconya d mn?
hai..thanx ea bee my..nice to see you
sblm nya makasih dah nrma q jd temen, aq d baleendah_bdg selatan!