i Dun aLOW HeR To haBe boYfrNds too,pOsSEsIvE RYT?
Many oF Ma frNds thOT Am lESbO
bUt weIrD THt i lOvE LOkiNG At cUtE GUyS
sO,aM toTAly nOt lESbO,Am jUZz BeiNg pOssEsIVe toWArD HeR
dEn i starT cOntrOl thE WAy shE TAlK,SHe mAkE FRnDs
i olWays teLL HeR THt hEr frNDS ArE NOT GOoD ENuFF fOr hEr
i nEVa reaLiSeD Tht aM LOSiN Her DAy bY DAy