"This is my wish for you : Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbow to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete life."
A very romantic saying*-*.... A mAn wAs deAd anD hiS sOuL wAs taKen 2 heAVen, God wAs sHockEd 2 c hiS hEArt bEaTs. MaN rEpLiEd "only I aM dEAd bt mY LoVer stiLL LiVe in my "" A romantic message*-*.... One dAy u wiLL aSk mE "what i$ morE imPØRTAnt tÖ u, me oR uR LifE?" I'LL say "mY LifE.." U'LL wALk awAy frm mE withouT knowinG thaT u r MY LIFE!!! wiSHiNg a romANtic wEeKeNd...mY deAR friEnd...
You may meet people better than me, funnier than me, more beautiful than me But one thing I can surely say to You that I will always be there for You when they all leave You!!!
'JusT oPEn tHAt dOOr.. JUSt tAKe mE tO iT.. WhErE tHe sUn iS goIng tO shIne.. WhErE tHe sKy iS goIng tO brIGht.. WhErE thE caNDLe iS goIng tO liGht.. WhErE wE wiLL sTAy togETher tiLL wE dyE.. I aM wiSHIng fOr tHAt moMEnt.. OncE wE oPEn tHAt dOOr aNd.. AnD tHEn wE wiLL bE sURe.. ThaT oUr FrieNDship iS rEaL.. And our lOVe Is cLEAar.. TakE mE thOUgh tHAt opENed dOOr.. AnD prOMise me that.. YoU wiLL bE mY friEnD.. UnTiL tHe eNd.. PrOMise mE tHAt tHIs dOOr.. Of frieANship YoU wiLL nOt desTroy or brOke.. PrOMisE me that wE aRe gOINg to shAre.. Our haPPINEss, saDNEss or mORe.' gUt eVeNinG dEaR fRieNd
Happy Morning!!! Between yesterday's mistake & 2morow's hope, There is a fantastic opportunity called TODAY... Live it ! The day is yours. Good Morning My Dear Friend...!!!
90yr man: My 18yr wife is pregnant, ur opinion doc? Dr: Let me tel u a story. A hunter in a hurry, grabs n umbrela instead of d gun. He moves into d jungle, sees a lion, lifts d umbrela, pulls d handle n BANG, De lion drops dead! Old man: Dat is impossible, sum1 else must hav shot d lion! Dr: EXACTLY!! ok..ok..ok.. Don angry.. Now fresh one A boy: I love ur daughter since 5 months. Girls Father: How can u proove it. boy: wait for 4 month... u will belive ur self. I love your daughter don like...ok..try 4 another.. Teacher : U failure ! At ur age Bill gates stood first in the class Student : Mind u, Sir, but at ur age hitler commited suicide">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal94.gif" border="0"/> you still angry">http://www.desicomments.com/funnypics/funnyanimal60.gif" border="0"/> look how many people...like my joke but you are my friend..you don like it!! ok..i'm going... have a crying nighthow">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/05/109632/109632.gif" border="0"/>how i go..???sorry..sorry..sorry
Good friends are like a pair of scissors. "Joined together but moving in opposite directions yet punishing whoever comes in between them." Good Evening Dear Friend...!!!
Relation is when someone hurts you, You don't hurt back. When someone shouts at you, You don't shout back. But when someone needs you, You always come back...!!! Good Afternoon My Dear Friend!!!