Pure relationship means: To care without limitationrs, To give without expectiatins, To help without hesitations, and Remember without communication.. ">http://img1.123tagged.com/en/rememberme/33.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Independence-Day-5169.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Good-Evening-3253.jpg" border="0"/> Jeyen
A beautiful year is waiting for you.. Walk with aims.... Run with confidence.... Fly with achievements.... Wishing you a happy new year.... ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/02/223833/2238331.jpg" border="0"/> Jeyen
Life is 5 star Mother is top star Father is king star Teacher is Ultimate star Lover is action star But A friend is the “REAL STAR” ">http://www.desigraphics.com/d/friends/friends_133.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://www.desigraphics.com/d/good_evening/good_evening_014.jpg" border="0"/>