aCtuaLy i bEen thInKin goIn fOr thT
i dUn loSe HeR BcuZ I MakE THe ryT aT THe ryT TYm
I HUrt Her sO MAnY TYmS BUt stIL SHe NeVa dOnE AnYTHIn tO huRt mE
We olWAYS tInK THt If shE WAs wId sOMoNe,shE GOnnA CAre lESs FoR Us buT THt iS REAly onlY OuR EViL INnEr sOUNd kIp teLiNg thT
wHen oUr inNeR EViL SIdE ConTRoL Us,we WiL dId tINgs oUt oF OuR ImAgINaTiOn lYk saYIn harSh WOrDS TOwaTd wHOM We caRE