Let this day will be not in simply next afternoon, in a train of gray everyday life, and it will be remembered by the bright blue sky, warm tender mood, someone's kind smile or simply beautiful song heard somewhere... Fine Sunday, Friends!
What are you looking for? Happiness, love, tranquillity... Don't go to look for on other end of the earth, look at other edge for itself, in the depth of the heart...
Learn to enjoy inhalation and air exhalation, and your Life becomes one continuous pleasure … Allow Breath of Life to breathe you … It is Love which each particle of a universe breathes …
There are people who fill our life with the one presence at it. If once you find the person with whom you will be able to be yourself, to breathe greedy, to feel freely, to prove easily and easy, - what insuperable obstacles wouldn't seem, don't allow to be lost each other. Such people - related sparks of your soul, they don't light up in our life casually...
.ιllιlι ● the strongest magic in the world is a LOVE. Believe in her! Only it gives strength to move mountains, to get stars from the sky and simply forces the world to see much wider. LOVE EACH OTHER it it is fine! And the whole world becomes even more wonderful and magic! ● ιllιlι.
Wherever there was each of us, we will always see one moon. The moon has advantages... Not important, how many stars shine in the night sky … I can see only the moon. I adore the full moon since the childhood. I like to think that this any omen. Probably, the full moon foretells something good - for example if made a mistake, still there will be a chance to begin all over again. And in any way it is impossible to deny its magic properties) Today it is magnificent) Lunar to you night, friends)