'A hUg foR yOu mEaNs I nEEd yOu. A kiSs fOr yOu mEaNs I LoVe yOu. A SmS foR yOu mEaNs I’m miSsiNg yOu.' miSsiNg U cOuLd tuRn 4rM paiN 2 pLeAsuRe...if i knEw..U wErE miSsiNg mE 2.. wiShiNg tEarLesS nIgHt aNd feArLeSs dReAmMs
'ItS nT imP. tO gO tO heavN aftR wE leavE,buT itS imP. tO creatE heavN in somE onE *s hearT, beforE wE leavE..'POSSIBLE... buT hoW??? EverY normaL persoN haS 72 heartS beatS buT FoR mE itS 73...extrA onE iS uR smilE..sO donT stoP ur smilE..iT wiLL effecT mY hearT...keeP smilinG...havE a smilinG weekenD...here'S somE examplE of cutE smilE... ">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-52.JPG" border="0"/> 7 in 1smilephilosophic">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-48.JPG" border="0"/>philosophic smileinventive">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-30.JPG" border="0"/>inventive smilewat">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68454/68454.gif" border="0"/>wat a smileromantic">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68460/68460.gif" border="0"/>romantic smilepreparing">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68462/68462.gif" border="0"/>preparing to smile ok..bye..
bE a bAby... cOz thEy hAd nO paSt tÖ bE cRy..thEy dOeSn't knÖw thE fuTuRe..thEy eNjÖy eAch n eVeRy mÖmeNt...sÖ eNjÖy uR eVeRy mÖmEnt wiTh smiLe liKe baAy donT waNt tO bE a biG baBy.. Ok.. heRe's anÖtheR optioN gUt MORNING