hi,bong somlahn bored nas na bong somlahn bcoz oun very thin bong ja now oun use 078,but peal ors money oun use 098 vih. Hope bong miss oun so much like oun deal bye....bye
nO No nO No . . . U r wroNG sis. . .juz lyk u said. . .if nO 1 cARE u , fyn . .dats ok ! BuT u must cARE urSELF , and luV urself ok yup. . Atleast u hav 3 bestfriends rite
owh i seE juz telL them dnt b busybody cARE 4 themself 1st who r them. u r urSELF. . Juz u knw urself welL . . dnt cARE bouT them k yup. . 4 me. . I always lyk dat
owh.. PoOR U. . ALl ppl cAN HURT me. .buT . . HOW THEY treat me. . I ll treat them bAck . . Owh. . BuT she is ur mum. .haizZ . . let me thINK ya. . Mayb dat realLY hurt. . . They way is . . Juz cry . . .it welL b betTER. . if u puT alL in ur heart. . U ll b mORE sad and mOody. . In the end. . Mayb get depRessioN.