Good Morning A blessing the sun sent your way, so you will have a superb day! ">" border="0"/> Good morning, as you rise and shine Another day in life is here The hour has come to redefine Your journey ‘cross the wild frontier Beneath a sky, in cobalt hue You’ll stroll along your merry route While I hope all the best for you As you continue your pursuit.
Good morning, as the moonlight fades And you begin your daily chores The dawn is bright; open the shades Then, dream until each wish is yours Throughout the day, you’ll move in stride As I hold your heart in each prayer Every time that you look outside You’ll know that I am waiting there.
Good morning, as you greet the world Once more, your life begins anew A fresh beginning has unfurled And brought your goals within your view While you seek to embrace your dreams I’ll wish you well, ‘til day is done I’ll keep you safe, beneath my beams Have a great day! Regards, the sun.
A GREAT RELATIONSHIP IS BASED ON SOME MAIN PRINCIPLES: # ApPrEcIaTe yOuR SiMiLaRiTiEs, AnD # REsPeCt yOuR DiFfErEnCeS ♥♥ # WheNeVeR YoU ArE WrOnG, aLwAyS AdMiT It ,, # WheNeVeR YoU ArE RiGhT, jUsT KeEp qUiEt...♥♥ ReLatIoNsHiP BeTwEeN A BoY AnD GiRl iS LiKe... ReLatIoNsHiP BeTwEeN ThE HaNd aNd tHe eYeS. If tHe hAnD GeTs hUrT, tHe eYeS CrIeS, AnD iF ThE EyEs cRiEs tHe hAnD WiPeS ItS TeArS. SwEEt NighT WitH SweetLy DrEaMs...♥♥ ♥♥
''WhEn iTs hArD To hIdE YoUr tEaRs ThEn nEvEr mInD sTaRt cUtTiNg aN OnIoN... LeT ThE HeArT CrY yOu jUsT SmiLE.. AnD BLamE ThE OnIoN. ThAt’s LifE!!! If yOu'rE SiNgLe, ThEn eNjOy yOuR FrEeDoM. If yOu’rE In a rElAtIoNsHiP, tHeN EnJoY YoUr rElAtIoNsHiP. If yOu'rE SePaRaTeD, ThEn tAkE CaRe aNd sTaRt tO EnJoY ThE ReMaInInG PaRt oF YoUr LifE. WhAtEvEr pArT Of LifE It iS, iT'S VeRy iMpOrTaNt tO EnJoY It!!'' So wHaTeVeR YoU Do, JuSt eNjOy iT..! gOoD NiGhT...
">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> hi frnd gd morng nd have a nice day. Nd rose for u.
''A ReLaTiOnShIp iS NoT HoLdInG HaNdS WhIlE YoU UnDeRsTaNd eAcH OtHeR, It’s aBoUt hAvInG LoTs oF MiSuNdErStAnDiNgS & StIlL NoT LeAvInG EaCh oThEr’s hAnDs... ♥ EvErY StRuGgLe iN YoUr LifE HaS ShApEd yOu IntO ThE PeRsOn yOu aRe tOdAy Be tHaNkFuL FoR ThE HaRd tImEs... ThEy cAn oNlY MaKe yOu sTrOnGeR... ♥ HOpEfuL nIgHt...pEaCeFuL TiMe...