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">http://www.orkut.gmodules.com/gadgets/proxy?refresh=86400&container=orkut&gadgets=http%3A%2F%2Forkut.com%2Fimg.xml&url=http%3A%2F%2Fa6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-snc4%2F164801_186166118062662_171777516168189_691088_3158011_n.jpg" border="0"/>
bet you didn't know that I am
terrified of the dark,
and every time I think of you, I smile.
I bet you don't know that I hate thunderstorms
but love dancing in the rain.
...or how much I laugh with my friends
& how much I truly enjoy being happy.
I bet you don't know how many tears
I've cried just for you,
or how much I doubt myself every day.
I bet you don't know how ticklish I am
or how I can't make decisions.
& how it drives me crazy
when you look into my eyes.
I bet you didn't know that I would
do anything to be with you.
But mostly I bet you didn't know
how much I love you.