Higood afinig sweet friend
Higood afinig sweet friend
My name is Priscilla, i saw your profile today and became
interested in you,i will also like to know you the more
and i want you to send a mail direct to my email id
so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.
Here is my email address
I believe we can move from here! remember distance
or color does
not matter anything in life but love matters allot
I am awaiting for your
mail to my email address above.
ما ودي أحس أني :-
جرحت إﻧسان
أو حقدت على إنسان
أو بسببي فاضت دمعة إنسان
أتمنى أبقى ذكرى حلوھہ .،
بقلب كل إنسان صادفتھہ بحياتي .،♥
اٍُلسّلاٍْمّےُ عًلٍّيكْمٍےورّحٍمْـٍُﮧاللّـﮧوًبٍرّكًاٍتُـٍّﮧ
ٱنـِْ♡̨̐ـِْا لا

صبـّـ♡̨̐ـِْـٱح الـ♡̨̐ـِْـــورد
••̣̇·̵̭̌نُــۆۋمْ الـع'ـّۆافیـِۓِ·̵̭̌•̣̇•·
·••̣̇·̵̭̌ۋاللـّح'ـَاڤ الدّاَفیۓِ·̵̭̌•̣̇•·
·••̣̇·̵̭̌اَפـّلٱمْ سّــع'ـِيْدَھْ·̵̭̌•̣̇•·
·••̣̇·̵̭̌ۈڱۋاَبيِسّ بّع'ـِيدَھْ·̵̭̌•̣̇•·